Our Mission: Food, Education, Medicine

Aim & Objectives


Aim & Objectives

Some of the key aims and objectives of the organization is as follows :

• To create a new awakening in the rural including SC community to play its due role in all-round development of the society by developing agriculture, food production, soil conservation, watershed management, horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries, social forestry, agro forestry etc. for growth of our national economy.
• To undertake and assist in developmental programme and projects among the poor, needy, backward, under privileged, handicapped irrespective of caste, creed, color, religion by itself or in collaboration with others.
• To promote community health, education and family welfare programmes.
• To promote education in general; and primary and adult education in particular.
• To preserve environment, ecology and to promote social forestry.
• To promote Self Help Group and the concept of thrift and credit among the rural women and scheduled caste community for their development.
• To act as a resource center for training, research, documentation, consultancy and dissemination of information.
• To play the role of the catalyst in all matters pertaining to participatory model of sustainable development.



• Health
• Education
• Livelihood
• Skill Development
• Agriculture
• Women Empowerment
• Environment
• Local Governance
• Social Inclusion
• Social Defense
• Public Awareness