Jan ShikshanSansthan (formerly known as Shramik Vidyapeeth) provide vocational skills to non-literate, neo-literates as well as school drop-outs by identifying skills that have a market in the region of their establishment.In order to increase the chance of employability of the youths hailing from under privileged sections of the societyas above in the district of Subarnapur of Odisha through Skill Development, Juba Jyoti Juabak Sangha has been managing the scheme “ Jan Shikshan Sanstha” under the sponsorship of Govt. of India, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship .
JSSs are the centers of People’s Education focusing on the poor/SC/ST/OBC, the illiterates, the neo-literates, the under-privileged and the un-reached. The Jan ShikshanSansthans are unique in that they do not provide just skill development, but link literacy with vocational skills and provide large doses of Life Enrichment Education (LEE) to the people. They do not work in isolation but aim for convergence with other stakeholders in society. It is their endeavor to shape their beneficiaries into self-reliant and self-assured employees and entrepreneurs.
The Jan ShikshanSansthans have special place in the field of education due to its people centric quality vocational and technical education at a very low cost. The services of JSS are accessible to all and the staffs of JSS reach out to their clientele groups by setting up sub centers in the heart of the slum or in remote rural areas. They are different from other vocational training institutions as they offer quality vocational skills and technical knowledge at such a low cost; provide need based and literacy-linked vocational training to reach out to the clientele in their areas unlike other institutions which the clientele has to access whether near or far; offer a multi-faceted skill-knowledge-awareness enhancement and outlook formation trainings and inputs and empowerment-oriented interventions in respect of social, economic and health status improvement of women and adolescent. The JSS promotes:
• Polyvalent approach takes into account; learning needs, convenience of place and time of learners and trainers.
• Course content, duration, methods, instructional arrangements and financial (CSR supported / Fee based trainings)
• Livelihood cell to be encouraged the beneficiaries for self and wage employment and linkages with national / state portal for promotion of employment and job melas etc.
• Courses having NSQF Compliant which has production, service and IT oriented.
• Life Enrichment Education part of Skill training programme. Digital Literacy and life skills are also incorporated across the course curriculum.
• Methodology of teaching includes theory, practical. Livelihood experience / apprenticeship, systematic evidence based internal assessment system, online certification, common branding.
• Training of trainers through National Skill Training Institutes
• Evaluation includes concurrent and terminal.
• Feed-back/success story Performa developed
Different Skill Development Trades under JSS during 2021-22
• Self Employed Tailor
• Mushroom Grower
• Child Caretaker
• Food Processing
• Beauty Care
• Traditional Hand Embroidery
• Hand Spinning Operator
• Bamboo Craft
• Helper Mason
During the year 1800 nos. of beneficiaries were trained in above trades. have been trained in above trades with support for their gainful employment. Most of the beneficiaries are young women hailing from rural SC/ST &BPL families within the age group of (15-45) years. The said project has been a crucial link between the semi and neo literates hailing from rural areas with no proper source of income and not capable of mobilizing institutional finance for starting their own source. This project has created a platform for their economic self-reliance and social empowerment.
SHG is a holistic programme of micro-enterprises covering all aspects of self-employment, organization of the rural poor into self-help groups and their capacity building, planning of activity clusters, infrastructure build up, technology, credit and marketing.It lays emphasis on activity clusters based on the resources and the occupational skills of the people and availability of markets.
During the year efforts were made to strengthen the existing SHGs by linking them with various skill training programmes and assisting them to have their micro enterprises. Also 10 nos. of Capacity Building Programmes were organized in Puri &Subarnapur districts of Odisha. Till the end of the reporting year JJJS has 440 nos. of active SHGs involving 4694 nos. of poor and ambitious ladies hailing from4845 villages of Puri&Subarnapur district.
Efforts are being made for convergence of welfare schemes of Govt. to further enhance their earning potential and quality of living.
India faces a huge skill development challenge. It is estimated that around 50 to 70 million jobs will be created in India over the next five years and about 75 to 90 percent of these will require some vocational training. For India’s demographic transformation to be considered a “dividend,” the youth will need to acquire necessary knowledge and skills to contribute towards nation-building. Development programmes and their allied industries should develop the capability to cross-train the youth and build a culture of learning.
Considering the above issues, JJJS has been promoting employment linked skill training programmes in Tailoring, Rexin Bag making, Food Processing, Mobile Repairing, Agarbati making etc. in Subarnapur district of Odisha. Through these activities the unemployed youths from backward communities including some of PTGs are being provided skill training and back up assistance for their gainful employment. 390 nos. of unemployed youths especially ladies were trained during the year in various trades as above and then engaged in the production center managed by the organization to gain such practical knowledge and some seed money for starting their own production units.
Drug Addiction is a chronic disease characterized by drug seeking and use that is compulsive, or difficult to control, despite harmful consequences. The initial decision to take drugs is voluntary for most people, but repeated drug use can lead to brain changes that challenge an addicted person’s self-control and interfere with their ability to resist intense urges to take drugs. These brain changes can be persistent, which is why drug addiction is considered a "relapsing" disease—people in recovery from drug use disorders are at increased risk for returning to drug use even after years of not taking the drug.
To reduce the impact of drug abuse and drug demand in the society Government is adopting different measures/strategies from time to time control the drug abuse and trafficking. Also the Govt. of India has framed some laws and time & again adopting various other measures.
JJJS has also been lending its helping hand byrunning a 10 Bedded Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Addicts (IRCA) at Paralakhemundi under Gajapati district of Odisha since last seven years to control drug abuse and related social issues. Since long our organization has been making sincere efforts to stop wide spread drug abuse and create general consciousness among the public through awareness programmes. The said center has been providing various services including awareness generation against drug abuse, identification of addicts, motivational counseling for treatment, in house and out house treatment of the addicts for detoxification, counseling and rehabilitation services, outreach services to deal with the clients living in unreachable areas of the district, after care services to the recovered clients for maintaining sobriety, re-integration of recovered addicts with the main stream of the society etc. During the year on report more than 156 nos. of addicts have been treated and most of them are now maintaining drug free sober living.
It has been found that the drug users are regarded as highly vulnerable to HIV/AIDS and therefore the organization has been taking special care in educating the drug users regarding various preventive mechanism for spreading HIV/AIDS among the drug users. 10 nos. suspected cases had been referred by the IRCA during the year to the VCCTC for screening of HIV.
The said program has been useful in transforming the lives of hundreds of drug addicts by making them drug free & reintegrating them with the main stream of the society. Scores of such families have been saved of financial and social bankruptcy at the same time reducing the law & order problems and maintaining the social harmony.
The traditional Indian society with an age-old joint family system has been instrumental in safeguarding the social and economic security of the elderly people. The traditional norms and values of Indian society also laid stress on showing respect and providing care for the elderly. However with the emerging prevalence of nuclear family set-ups in recent years, the elderly are being exposed to emotional, physical and financial insecurity endangering their living. Negligence, torture, discrimination etc. is very common now and being reported every day in newspapers. Three are innumerable such cases remaining unreported from the rural areas leading to deaths due to negligence, starvation. It has now become very common.
In order to address the critical issues facing these senior citizens who are without any social and economic support, our organization has been managing a Senior Citizen’s Home (Mixed Gender) one at Sonepur under Subarnapur district of Odisha. The center has 25 nos. of mixed gender beneficiaries. Apart from shelter other services like boarding healthcare, recreational and assistance for productive activities is being extended to the beneficiaries.
The said Home has been the destination for scores of such helpless & distressed elders who are neglected, deserted and exploited by their near and dear ones round the clock.
Old women who are single, abandoned or widowed face multiple barriers due to illiteracy, malnourishment, abuse, ill-health, lack of housing and exclusion from economic benefits. Senior citizens in India face a number of challenges, but the situation is worse in case of elderly women. Elderly women face bias and discrimination throughout their life but they never raise their voice against it.
To address such social injustice and provide these disadvantaged sections of society a place for their social, emotional well-being, our organization has been running a Senior Citizen’s Home for elderly women at Sonepur under Subarnapur district with its own resources. 50 nos. of destitute senior citizens including widows are being provided with residential rehabilitation service which includes lodging, boarding, healthcare, recreational and assistance for productive activities.
Efforts are on to avail grant-in-aid from Govt. of India, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment for the project.
Due to ageing decreased strength and flexibility is one of the most common issues that almost every individual faces. Further, the condition can be worsened by the presence of other chronic conditions related to neurological issues, endocrine problems, and musculoskeletal issues. As a result of degenerative changes that occur due to old age, there is poor muscle tone and stiff joints, etc. A physiotherapist helps to alleviate pain and helps return to mobility. Some of the common causes of decreased strength are thyroid disease, anemia, and depression, lack of sleep, diabetes, congestive heart failure, and medication side effects. Physiotherapy helps to bring back strength and flexibility, and also improves patients' quality of life.
Older adult care is complex because it comes with multiple conditions requiring knowledge of many specialties. Older adults often develop conditions under musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and neurologicalconditions.Considering all the positive impact of such treatment process our organization has been managing a Physiotherapy Clinic at Bousuni of Boudh & Sonepur under Subarnapur district of Odisha with its own resources. During the year 390 no. of older persons were treated in both centres free of cost. We are taking necessary steps for availing financial assistance from Govt. of India, Ministry of Social justice & Empowerment for the said project in order to strengthen the activities of the centre.
MMU ( mobile medicare unit) is a project meant for taking the health services to the door steps of the senior citizens (60 years and above) living in remote villages in the rural areas. It has been observed that older persons living in isolated pockets are generally being deprived of healthcare leading to untimely death of a large no of senior citizens which is being perceived as normal considering their age. The no. of such deaths can be reduced if healthcare is made available to them as per their need. To address the above problem & in order to provide healthcare to the senior citizens living in remote pockets of the country Govt. of India, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment has been running the scheme “Mobile Medicare Unit” through NGOs. The project would provide healthcare to the senior citizens living in inaccessible pockets of the country and unable to access the healthcare facilities of the Govt.
Under this initiative our organization has been managing a Mobile Medicare Unit in Subarnapur district since last 3 years. The project is being run with our own resources. During the year 2021-22 the project has provided healthcare to the 542 no of needy senior citizens at their door step. The said project is very useful for the older persons from poor families.
The culture and tradition of India is considered as old and great all over the world where people used to worship various female goddesses, saints and poets. India is also a powerful nation and famous worldwide for being the largest democracy in the world however, women backwardness is also very clear in the Indian society because of the social issues, problems and lots of restrictions against women. Women belong to the lower and middle class family suffers more than the women of higher class family. Women in the Indian society generally face problems of sex discrimination, high percentage of illiteracy, female infanticide, dowry system, etc.
To take care of the different needs of these women living in difficulty, Govt. of India, Ministry of Women & Child Development has been implementing the Scheme “Swadhar Greh”. The said scheme envisions a supportive institutional framework for women victims of difficult circumstances so that they could lead their life with dignity and conviction. It envisages that shelter, food, clothing, and health as well as economic and social security are assured for such women. It also envisions that the special needs of these women are properly taken care of and under no circumstances they should be left unattended or abandoned which could lead to their exploitation and desolation.
Our organization has been implementing this project since 2008-09 with assistance from Govt. of India, Ministry of Women & Child Development.The project is now located at Ranapalli, Block- Birmaharajpur of Subarnapur district. The center is running & at present giving shelter to 30nos. of such ladies living without social and economic support. They are being provided integrated services such as lodging, boarding, healthcare, clothing, recreational and legal & emotional counseling, legal assistance along with skill training for their complete rehabilitation.
Besides the women, their dependent children below 14 years of age are also provided shelter with their mothers with provision of all the services including education to make them responsible citizen in the future.
Violence against women is rampant in India, hinders educational attainment and earnings potential, and has significant economic and social costs. COVID-19 has exposed the fault lines of gender equality, with increases in the incidence of domestic violence during lockdown. Social programmes to sensitise men and boys on gender-related issues, and community-level platforms like SHGs should be strengthened to provide awareness on safety mechanisms for women, sexual and reproductive health, and family planning choices.
Taking into account the various issues the women affected by violence are facing, Govt. of India, Ministry of Women & Child Development has been running “One Stop Centres (OSCs)” which objects to support women affected by violence, in private and public spaces, within the family, community and at the workplace. Women facing physical, sexual, emotional, psychological and economic abuse, irrespective of age, class, caste, education status, marital status, race and culture will be facilitated with support and redressal. Aggrieved women facing any kind of violence due to attempted sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, trafficking, honour related crimes, acid attacks or witch-hunting who have reached out or been referred to the OSC will be provided with specialized services.
Govt. of India, Ministry of Women & Child Development has been kind enough to address the issues of the women & children affected by violence by starting One Stop Centre in all the districts of Odisha. This project would address the problems of violence affected women under a single roof. Our organization has been managing two One Stop Centres in Odisha, one in Rayagada district and another in Subarnapur district. The One Stop Centre in Subarnapur district started its operation on 16th August’2019 whereas the One Stop Centre in Rayagada district started on 6th September’2019.
The One Stop Centre, Rayagada provided service to 99 nos. of violence affected women during the year 2021-22 whereas the One Stop Centre, Subarnapur served 27 cases only till July’2021.
Both the Centres have been able to address the problems of violence affected women of their respective districts.
Vulnerability of children leads to and is further created by the socio-cultural, socio political and socio-religious situations they are in. A child who is forced or born into a situation or discriminated group is at risk for abuse, neglect and exploitation. The lack of a protection system either due to mis-implementation of national laws and programmes or the absence of protection policies and legislation also renders children vulnerable.
In order to protect these children in need of care & protection our organization is managing a Children’s Home at Sonepur with assistance from Women & Child Development Deptt., Govt. of Odisha. Under ICPS Scheme of Ministry of Women Child Development, Govt. of India. At present the strength of children 50. These children are in need of care and protection and through the Children’s Home being provided with institutional services for their rehabilitation. The services being provided to them include shelter, nutritious food as per the prescribed menu, healthcare, education, recreational and vocational training for their all-round capacity building.
The children are enrolled in the local formal schools for their education and a tutor is engaged at Home to follow up them and solve their problems. Yoga is being practiced to promote physical well-being and spirituality among the children. Also there is the provision of teaching song, art, music, dance in order to promote extracurricular activities and help to find out the hidden talent. Each year the children are being exposed to various competitions to groom their talents.
Adoption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting of another, usually a child, from that person's biological or legal parent or parents. Legal adoptions permanently transfer all rights and responsibilities, along with filiations, from the biological parents to the adoptive parents. Unlike guardianship or other systems designed for the care of the young, adoption is intended to effect a permanent change in status and as such requires societal recognition, either through legal or religious sanction.
At present CARA (Central Adoption Resource Authority) one of the constituent projects of the Scheme “Integrated Child Protection Scheme”, Govt. of India, Ministry of Women & Child Development is promoting the adoption process in direct cooperation of SARA (State Adoption Resource Agency) & Specialized Adoption Agency (SAA). SAA facilitates the placement of orphaned, abandoned or surrendered children for adoption in accordance with the provisions of various guidelines for adoption issued from time to time, by the State Government, or the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) and notified by the Central Government. Juba Jyoti Jubak Sangha has been recognized by Govt. Of Odisha, Women & Child Development Deptt. as SAA for Subarnapur district with effect from 09.02.2017.
SAA is responsible for the care, protection and well-being of every child in its charge and shall cater to their health needs; emotional and psychological needs; educational and training needs; leisure and recreational activities; protection from any kind of abuse, neglect and exploitation; social mainstreaming and restoration or as the case may be and follow-up.
During the year 2 nos. of children have been admitted in the SAA out of which only one child has been placed under adoption. Our organization is taking necessary steps for sensitization of the community regarding adoption and various rules governing the adoption to promote adoption.
As we know the children with disability lack physical ability thus cannot perform their task normally. Hence they need special caretaker and when the issue of education arises, they face problems as they cannot study in the general schools as they need special teachers, aids and appliances, conduciveenvironment etc. Therefore Government is taking steps for addressing this problem and Special School for disabled is one of the projects under DDRS Scheme. The main thrust of special education is to develop communication skills and other sensory abilities, with the end objective varying from acquiring daily living skills to integration in regular institutions of learning and society in general. Residential facilities is also extended to the beneficiaries under the project.
Our organization started such a school during the year 2015-16 at Joda under Keonjhar district of Odisha from its own resources. 60 nos. of disabled have been enrolled and provided with education along with integrated care & protection services.
The aim of community-based rehabilitation (CBR) is to help people with disabilities, by establishing community-based medical integration, equalization of opportunities, and Physical therapy(Physiotherapy) rehabilitation programs for the disabled. The strength of CBR programs is that they can be made available in rural areas, with limited infrastructure, as program leadership is not restricted to professionals in healthcare, educational, Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy vocational or social services. Rather, CBR programs involve the people with disabilities themselves, their families and communities, as well as appropriate professionals. Some are doing their own works.
Our organization is extending integrated care and support to the PwDs by implementing the Community Based Rehabilitation Project in Boudh district of Odisha. The major objective of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) is to ensure that people with disabilities are able to maximize their physical and mental abilities, have access to regular services and opportunities, and achieve full integration within their communities. During the year 184 nos. of disabled were benefited under the programme. They were provided rehabilitative services based on their individual requirement such as supply of aids & appliances, providing them pensions, vocational training, assisting in DRI Loan, Scholarship for the school & college students etc. Among them there are 32 nos. of Multiple Disable cases who were assisted as per their needs.
Transgenders/Hijras are officially recognized as a third gender in the Indian subcontinent, being considered neither completely male nor female. They are generally live in a group away from the general people and live on begging and doing odd jobs. They are facing discrimination in the society and now the Govt. is taking steps for their rehabilitation.
Our organization through SSEPD sponsored Outsourcing Programme have worker for their welfare in Subarnapur, Boudh, Deogarh & Jharsuguda districts of Odisha. Presently we are maintaining a Home for the transgender Community at Bhubaneswar in which 15 nos. of TGs are staying. They are being provided with integrated care & support including shelter, food, clothes, Healthcare, Recreation 7 Vocational teraining for the economic rehabilitation.
Begging has grown at a significant rate in India. It is estimated that half a million people in India are beggars. The government, varied organizations, activists claim that many measures have been taken to abolish begging and it has been successful to a certain extent.
In order to prevent the social evil like beggary JJJS has been taking proactive since 2017. Through the SSEPD Deptt., Govt. of Odisha sponsored project “Outsourcing of Designated Functions of SSEPD Deptt.” JJJS identifies hundreds of such beggars in Subarnapur district and provided assistance for their rehabilitation. During the year 2020-21 a Residential Rehabilitation Centre was established at Sonepur involving 30 beggars. Under this project managed from our own resources services like food, healthcare, clothing, vocational training, recreational services etc. are being provided.
YUSH is the acronym of the medical systems that are being practiced in India such as Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. These systems are based on definite medical philosophies and represent a way of healthy living with established concepts on prevention of diseases and promotion of health. The basic approach of all these systems on health, disease and treatment are holistic. Because of this, there is a resurgence of interest on AYUSH systems. Yoga has now become the icon of global health and many countries have started integrating it in their health care delivery system. Similarly there is great curiosity to understand the principles and practice of Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Siddha and Unani especially due to growing challenges in medicine.
From various studies it was observed that Allopathic system of treatment may be fast and target specific and gives relief from diseases very early but at the same time it creates a lot of health issues due to the side effects of various drugs used which are made up of chemicals. But in case of AYUSH it is not so as it uses medicines prepared from plants, hence has no side effect.
Considering the above issue our organization decided to undertake a project involving AYUSH system of treatment and adopted in SonepurG.P.of Sonepur block of Subarnapur district for the purpose. During the year 884 nos. of patients were provided with treatment for various diseases like Respiratory Tract Infection, skin diseases, diseases relating to digestive system etc. free of cost. The intervention attained its objectivesas it helped the targeted patients in recovery from various ailments without any side effects. We are in the process of availing assistance from Govt. of India for the purpose.
Sustainable agriculture seeks to sustain farmers, resources and communities by promoting farming practices and methods that are profitable, environmentally sound and good for communities. Sustainable agriculture fits into and complements modern agriculture. It rewards the true values of producers and their products. It draws and learns from organic farming. It works on farms and ranches large and small, harnessing new technologies and renewing the best practices of the past.
Considering the fact that the economy of our state, Odisha mainly dependent on agriculture and allied activities for their livelihood hence the development of agriculture would be the basis of the development of the state. Hence Juba Jyoti Jubak Sangha is giving due emphasis to promote sustainable agriculture practice in its area of operation like the districts of Kalahandi, Sonepur, Boudh and Gajapati. Also we are strongly endorsing the practice of lab-to-land in agriculture, which has been a part of Government’s initiative in technology dissemination, participatory planning, value addition, demonstrative farming and marketing of produces. Apart from it, it has put effort in empowerment of farming community and capacity building of farmers.
Also we are promoting organic farming which is a holistic production management system based on basic principle of minimizing the use of external inputs and avoiding the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to ensure sustainability of agriculture. Activities in this effort include:
• Awareness generation among farmers on the benefits of organic farming
• Imparting training to farmers on vermin-compost and other solid and liquid manures
• Demonstration of organic farming
The organization has worked for safeguarding the traditional knowledge of agriculture, particularly of tribal communities, relating to organic farming, preservation and processing of food for nutritional and medicinal purposes. People have realized the advantages of organic agriculture. It has increased farm productivity substantially.
Tribal girls in India are unable to acquire reading skills because they do not speak nor understand the language used in schools; thus, they are unable to get on a path to empowerment for their personal growth and for accessing their rights within their communities and in the larger world. If tribal girls do not attain reading skills, they are more vulnerable to dropping out of school and are unable to complete a full cycle of education.
As we know the education is the stepping stone for success in life as without education a person cannot sustain in today’s world. During our project intervention in tribal dominated Kalahandi district of Odisha we observed that the children from ST families are unable to pursue education due to a no of factors starting from poverty to lack of interest/negative attitude of the parents, lack of opportunities etc.. In order to provide quality primary education to the girls belonging to ST community in low literacy pockets Govt. of India, Ministry of Tribal Affairs has been managing the scheme called : “Strengthening Education in Low Literacy Pockets” .Our organization has been managing school called as Educational Complex at Kesinga of Kalahandi district since 2011-12 from its own resources. The districts has a very low rate of female literacy at 17%.
These institutions provide education based on school curriculum with a holistic approach for all-round capacity building of the girls in every respect like sports, culture, social work, physical well-being, life skill etc, to make them capable enough to compete with others in the society and live a respectful living. In addition to this, the students are provided various vocational training to make them employment-ready whenever they complete their academic career.
In order to maintain the parity the Govt. of India, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment is providing free education to SC students up to 12th class with lodging and boarding facilities through Residential School and Hostels. Our organization has been managing such a Residential School at Kantamal under Boudh district of Odisha. In the said school 50 SC girl children are enrolledup to class 7 and being provided with free education along with lodging & boarding facilities, sports, music, art, dance etc.
Along with the school a Hostel is also being run for SC children studying in 9th& 10th classes. In the said hostel 50 children are staying with integrated facilities for lodging, boarding, study and extracurricular activities.
Consumer Awareness is an act of making sure the buyer or consumer is aware of the information about products, goods, services, and consumers rights. Consumer awareness is important so that buyer can take the right decision and make the right choice. Consumers have the right to information, right to choose, right to safety.
In order to address the various issues concerning the consumers, JJJS organized four nos. of awareness programmesinvolving all the stakeholders like volunteers, school teachers, school children, SHG members etc. in B.M. Pur block of Subarnapur district. Concerned Govt. officials and volunteers from the local NGOs were involved in the program. The resource persons educated the participants regarding consumer protection laws, its application and how to protect themselves from the greedy businessmen. Leaflets were distributed highlighting the different consumer laws, consumer protection councils etc. among the participants who were requested to disseminate the knowledge in their respective areas to safeguard the common interest of the consumers.
Environmental Conservation is the practice of preserving the natural world to prevent it from collapsing as a result of human activities, such as unsustainable agriculture, deforestation and burning fossil fuels. Side effects of these practices include toxic air, plastic pollution, destruction of natural habitats and most urgently, climate change. Scientists warn that if we don’t act soon, this will lead to an even further increase in natural disasters, rising sea levels and extreme weather, resulting in collapsed ecosystems, mass extinction of wildlife, food scarcity and global displacement of people.
As an initiative to check the environmental degradation JJJS during the year organized awareness programmes in Ullunda block of Subarnapur district of Odisha involving folk plays. Also during the year on report a decentralized nursery was raised at B.M. Pur under Subarnapur district of Odisha in which 24,000 plant seedlings were raised and then distributed to the local inhabitants free of cost for planting in their own backyard. Such an initiative will help the people to meet their fuel wood and fodder demand to some extent in due course and help in reducing the load on natural forest resources.
The novel corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) presents an important and urgent threat to global health and its effect is expected to get even worse in the middle- and low-income countries where the health system is weak and fragile. Timely access to accurate information and public awareness on prevention methods is one of the feasible interventions in these countries. Identifying level of public awareness on disease prevention is important to mitigate the pandemic.
In order to reduce the risk of Corona virus disease (COVID-19) our organization was involved in a no. of awareness programmes in Subarnapur district of Odisha as per the instruction from NITI Ayogain which the public were educated about the safe practice &behaviors which will keep them away of the risk of infection.To prevent infection and to slow transmission of COVID-19, the public were educated to follow the instructions as below :
• Wash hands regularly with soap and water, or clean them with alcohol-based hand rub.
• Maintain at least 1 metre distance between you and people coughing or sneezing.
• Avoid touching the face.
• Covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
• Staying at home if feeling unwell.
• Refrain from smoking and other activities that weaken the lungs.
• Practice physical distancing by avoiding unnecessary travel and staying away from large groups of people.
Odisha has a unique culture and Odias call it Jagannath Sanskruti as most of them revolve around Lord Jagannath. The old customs and traditions bind the Odias. Odisha is a confluence of the Aryan, Dravidian and Adivasi cultures. Most festivals in the state bring out some part of these cultures and celebrate their religion by way of festivals which span out the entire year. There are festivals that are common, but the celebration remains unique to a region.Odisha has a glorious tradition of music. The figures or dancers and musicians carved on ancient temple walls, speak of Odisha's rich musical heritage. Odissi Music is a classical form consisting of all the necessary ingredients common to Hindustani and Karnatic Music. Odissi sangita is a synthesis of four classes of music, i.e.dhruvapada, chitrapada, chitrakala and panchal, described in two treatises namely, Sangita Sarani and Sangita Narayana written in the early 19th century. It owes much to Jayadev, the saint-poet, the great composer and illustrious master of classical music.
Realizing the importance of the cultural programmes our organization has been giving due emphasis to cultural activities since long. During the year a series of cultural programmes were organized at B. M. Pur under district in which folk groups performed different songs and dances. Various cultural programmes were organized which is now on the verge of extinction. The programme was enjoyed by thousands of people around the block.
Engaging children in agricultural fields is very common in our state but t s at the cost of their education/career. There is consensus at all level to prevent the child labour despite all the efforts by Government the issue of child labour still persists in our state and it is too difficult to wipe it out completely as it is in many cases associated with the livelihood/living of a family. But in order to stop this problem we should find out the root cause of the problem and address it. We know that the children are the future architect of our nation. So they ought to be nurtured, cared & educated properly so that they will help in building a strong & prosperous nation. But due to poverty & illiteracy a large no. of children are being deprived of their basic rights and being engaged forcibly in hazardous activities for earning a supplementary income for the family.
To rehabilitate the child labour engaged in hazardous activities JJJS rescued child laborers from different professions and admitted in the child labour schools. In the said schools meant for their rehabilitation the child labours are receiving elementary education, vocational skill training. They are being provided free nutrition & healthcare services to keep themselves healthy and fit.
Also an educative programme was organized for women laborers at Kesinga under Kalahandi district in which the various welfare issues like labour laws, labour welfare initiatives, various welfare schemes were discussed and knowledge was disseminated to them.
As we generally find the socio economic status of the OBCs and Minorities are below par compared to others. Government is adopting different welfare measures from time to time for uplifting their status in the society so that social equity can be maintained. Juba Jyoti Jubak Sangha has also been promoting several measures in promoting the development of these unprivileged sections of the society.
Juba Jyoti Jubak Sangha has also been promoting several measures in promoting the development of these unprivileged sections of the society. During the year a Leadership Training Programme was organized for Minorities at B.M. Pur of Subarnapur district. Also in the training programmes the beneficiaries from the OBC & Minorities sections were given priority. In all of our projects beneficiaries hailing from these sections are being given first priority. A Training centre for OBCs is being run. We are also in the process of availing assistance from the concerned Ministries of Government of India for different projects for welfare of these sections of the society.
In order to assist the students and educated unemployed youths hailing from rural areas especially BPL tribal and minorities families JJJS has been managing a Career Counseling Centre at Sonepur under Subarnapur district of Odisha since long. Under this initiative students and other educated youths from rural poor and tribal families and from Minorities (Mainly Muslims& Christian) are being assisted in providing counseling and assistance for applying for jobs, applying for various job oriented technical courses, for availing various scholarships through online process. During the year 286 nos. of such students and educated youths have been benefited. This activity is being managed by the organization from its own resources.